Friday, April 24, 2015


Hi! Thanks so much for taking time to visit my new space!

A bit about me. I rule over live in a house with the Hubs, the toddler boy, the baby boy, and two obnoxious but lovable boy dogs. Sometimes (most times) managing the day to day operations of this house seems impossible. Ok, it's usually impossible to just emerge from this den of testosterone home without looking like a pajama clad zombie! 

As a new Stay At Home Mom, I became overwhelmed with the new "job" of caring for our home and one adorable tiny human. Why bust my tush to get the house clean when it was just going to get dirty again? Then I discovered that spending most days in staring contests with a pooping, drooling baby was kind of boring...and all the clutter and chores were just waiting for me later. And cleaning in a panic when someone wanted to come snuggle on my sweet boy? Awful. Stressful. Over it.

After a while, I was finally getting clutter and chaos under control. People could come over without my running around like a maniac. Meals were planned. I had makeup and real pants on...I was rocking this Stay At Home Mom thing!

Then we decided to have another baby. Talk about derailing your normal schedule and bringing in a whole new level of chaos. Now that our newest tiny tyrant (ruling the roost with an iron fist of baby fury) is two months old, I'm determined to get back on track. I am determined to become a kick ass home-maker who manages to get her makeup on while creating a beautiful home for her family.