Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Controlling the Dinner Chaos: Meal Planning

Things have been pretty crazy lately. In the wake of health issues and a pretty strict elimination diet for this nursing Mama, big and small projects have been put on the back burner.

With this crazy elimination diet, it feels like my whole day now revolves around finding or making food that I can actually eat! I am always hungry and I wish I could just stuff my face with any old favorite snack (like cookies. Mmm! One day, cookies. One day, I will return to you.) Basically, if I don't cook...I don't eat. Processed and packaged foods usually have one of the 6 forbidden foods that I have to stay away from for the sake of the baby boy's tummy.

I've found that an actual meal plan is essential to avoid the stressful 5:00 "What's For Dinner?" scramble. This planning concept still feels really foreign to me (since I used to just fly by the seat of my pants) and I'm trying to improve on this skill since I know it makes life so much easier!

My normal process goes as follows:

1 - Realize that I've used up most of our groceries and don't have any ideas for dinner that night. Lots of staring into the fridge and pantry in confusion.

2 - Take 2 days to write a comprehensive list of essential items while family scrounges hungrily at meal times. Write corresponding dinner ideas on the back of the shopping list.

3 - Finally get to the store and feel extreme relief at having a week of meals planned out. 

4 - Forget what I'm supposed to be making for dinner, and frantically search for that shopping list with the dinner ideas.

5 - Family eventually gets fed. Miracle!

Talk about room for improvement. So this week I printed out this handy dandy free Meal Plan printable from Grace and Good Eats.

I think I'll try using a page protector and hang this up in the kitchen. That way I can use a dry erase marker to adjust as needed...because let's be honest, sometimes plans change.

How do you control the dinner chaos?